Strat Draft

First time users click here for help setting up draft

Strat Draft allows a league to post a draft on the World Wide Web making it easily accessible to all members of the league.

Main Page

click the area of which you require more information
see: Current Draft Status see: Current Draft Status see: Pick Deadline see: Team On Deck see: Team At Bat see: Currently (status) see: Cells see: Current Draft Status see: Currently (time) see: Last Pick Made see: Administrative Tools see: My Profile see: Draft Players see: Reports see: Draft Views

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Administrative Tools: If you have been given administrative rights by either local draft administrator or the system draft administrator you will find the "Administrative Tools" menu bar as one of the menus presented to you. Under administrative tools you will find a comprehensive league set up page, a comprehensive league owners set up page, the ability to trade draft picks between owners, a page to assign which standard carded Strat-O-Matic players will be available in your draft, a page to predefine non-carded players if desired, a page to import and export league roster files, the ability to force a draft pick upon an absent or tardy league member, and the ability to pause as well as resume your draft.

Cells: Each draft pick is represented by a cell in the draft grid.  The draft grid appears much like a spreadsheet and is labeled with the teams on the left and with rounds on the top.  Depending on how your league has been set up there will be one of three possible displays in each cell.  If no time limit has been set up for your league then no timeframe will be shown in the cell.  Additionally no timeframe will appear in a cell if the league has been set up to enforce a time limit without staggered and equally spaced deadlines (equal time slices).  If the league has been set up with equal time slices but will not allow drafting before the beginning of an individual time slice, a cell will show both a beginning and ending time. In this case to pick may not be made before the beginning time you must be made before the ending time to avoid losing to pick.  If the league allows drafting before the beginning of an individual time slice, the pick must still be made before the end time but there is no beginning time enforced.   In this case the cell will display the phrase "deadline -" followed by the ending time.

Current Draft Status shows up to three rounds of the draft.  The draft position of the team is displayed on the far left of the table.  If the free agents option is set in the League Profile drafting designated players from other teams is allowed and the column "FA Lost" is shown indicating how many free agents have been drafted from that team.

Currently: (status) This display indicates state and the progress of the draft to this point.  If either the local administrator or system administrator has paused the draft, the display will show that the draft has been placed all on hold.  Only your local administrator(s) have the authority to resume the draft.  If the draft is not on hold.  If the draft is not on hold the display will indicate the current round and current draft pick.  Draft pick refers to the number on the far left of the Current Draft Status display.

Currently: (time) The current time as defined on your computer.

Deadline: If this option is set for your league, this box displays next to the current time. It indicates the deadline by which the current team drafting (the "Team At Bat") must make their pick or lose their pick. The "Team On Deck" will then become the "Team At Bat" and be able to draft.  The time displayed is adjusted if necessary to be correct for your time zone.  Therefore if the deadline is 4 p.m. in the Eastern time zone, this time would display 1 p.m. if you are on the Pacific Coast

Draft Players: Under the menu item "Draft Player" you may view all the available players that are available to be drafted in your league. As it becomes your turn to draft a player you will find a button next to each player's name that when pressed will allow you to draft that player. Alternatively if your league has been set up to do so, any high school or college baseball player or even any person on the planet may be drafted! Batters may be viewed by position or altogether. Pitchers may be viewed altogether or by starters, relievers, or closers.

Draft Views: Draft views has within it, Full Draft, My Draft, and My Competitors Draft. The Full Draft view shows the entire draft on one web page. The My Draft view shows a summary of your draft to this point including the players you have drafted, and the status of your auto draft. If your league has been set up with these options, you will also find your available team of funds as well as the status of your free agents. The My Competitor's Draft shows the same information as in the My Draft view but leaves out any confidential information. For example it will indicate who is using the auto draft feature but leaves out all the details. Free agents will be shown but the pullback priority will not be shown.

Last Pick Made: The time at which the pick previous to the current pick was made.

Team At Bat: Refers to the name of the team whose turn it is to draft.

Team On Deck: Refers to the name of the team whose turn it will be to draft once "Team At Bat" completes their draft pick.

My Profile: Each league member is given the ability to define their name as well as their username and password within the system. All members are allowed to define up to two e-mail addresses, each defined e-mail address may be used to receive notification after each draft pick has been made or alternatively only notification as draft picks within three picks prior to your own are made. Owners are allowed to define a powerful auto draft which will make draft picks you have specified prior to your pick in cases where you may not be available when your turn comes up.

Reports: Reports allows you to download a spreadsheet compatible .csv file with one of two report formats. The first report is a complete listing of all players in your league along with their current status. The format of this report has been designed specifically to allow its use throughout the entire upcoming season. If your league has used the import facility, this report will categorize all players in the league and the team they are a member of.  If the import facility has not been used, this report will still show all players but only assign players to a team that have been drafted in this system. A second report lists all the owners in the league along with their owner's name, team name, draft position as well as various options as defined in your league.